Sunday 4 March 2012

Yessir... Got cursed... For realz.

So turns out I was cursed. Literally cursed. Someone felt so strongly that they actually implemented a full-on, ancient curse to ruin me. Now I know what you’re thinking imaginary reader, that there’s no such thing as a curse. Now I’m not saying ‘up yours buddy, there totally is’ I’m just going to say that if this curse, placed on me at the end of August, was intended to actually ruin my life as much as is possible throughout it’s duration, then mission accomplished. If it was a nonsense thing, then I pissed off God something fierce.

Anywhoo, cursed. Not the first time either. But I solved the problem a little over a week ago and I’m back to kicking ass and chewing bubble gum. Seriously like night and day. Coincidence? Probably. Does it matter? Not at all. But seriously how messed up is that? How many people can honestly say they’ve been cursed. Several times. I’m weirdly proud, but concerned at the same time. Also, to what extent did this curse impact others and their interactions with me? Regardless super psyched I’m rocking it pretty hard now.
As I pace back and forth in superman pyjama bottoms eating a cookie and listening to a game of thrones audiobook while researching ancient middle-eastern mysticism and curse protection, I am forced to ask myself; could I rock any harder? I respond no to myself while laughing maniacally. With this weird curse business seen to, I have been refocusing efforts to conquer the world. I’m a little sad to say that I have to be more vigilant in curse protection... and occult warfare altogether.
So let that be a lesson to you all... when you’re going through Hell, keep going... and there’s a chance you may have been cursed.

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